Monthly Archives: May 2009

Update: The Voice of the Adoption Community

FCC LogoThis message is from a FCC-IN (Families with Children from China – Indiana) parent:

“I just got off the phone with Scott Rowe, Sr. Vice President of Corporate Communication at Warner Bros. You will be happy to know that they have changed their marketing materials and have removed the offending statement “It must be hard to love an adopted child as much as your own” has been removed from all future trailers.

A few items of note:

. The current trailer (with the offending statement) will still be used during the previews of the horror film “Drag Me to Hell”, which opens this week-end. Unfortunately, on such short notice, there was nothing that can be done about this.

. The next movie that the trailer will be shown at is “The Hangover”, which comes out June 15th. By this time, the current trailer will be replaced with the new trailer (sans statement).

. They will swap out the trailers for all television advertising. They have not yet begun advertising for this film yet, so there should be no worries of children seeing it.

. The current trailer is still on the Web site, but they are working to rectify that immediately and Scott has spoken with the Warner Bros. Web team about this again this afternoon.

. Because the film is Rated-R, it will only be shown as a trailer for other Rated-R films. The trailer will also only be shown on television after 10 p.m. (i.e. not during times when young children would be expected to watch).

As I am sure many of you have assumed, there is a hook to the film that ultimately removes the child/orphan stigma, which is neither here nor there as it relates to current public positioning of the film — and that issue is no more.

The producers and distributor took your concerns to heart and have made the changes in the public-facing marketing materials that we had hoped.

I would like to add that Scott mentioned that Warner Bros. employees get death threats for things as trivial as changing the release date of the new Harry Potter film. “Yet, the adoption community, who are protecting their children and who have every right to be angry, has been nothing but respectful.” he said.

Kuddos to all of you! Please do pass this information along so that others can know that their voice was heard.”

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Filed under Adoption, Adoption Issues, Advocacy, In the News

‘Orphan’ Horror Film Outrages Adoptive Parents – ABC News

There is a new slasher/horror film being  promoted that can heavily damage the adopted child or the adoption of a child. Please take a a few minutes of your time to read this article ‘Orphan’ Horror Film Outrages Adoptive Parents – ABC News

The adoptive community is up in arms and is calling for changes in the marketing of this slasher/horror film. The promotional poster reads, “It must be hard to love an adopted child as much as your own.”  Such a statement sickens me. Any parent should upset.

“The backers of this movie have deep pockets. It is being released by Dark Castle Entertainment with Warner Bros. set to distribute. Leonardo DiCaprio’s Appian Way , which developed the material, is also producing.” Leo considers himself an advocate for ophaned kids! 

If you feel so inclined,  check out the contacts for Warner Brothers, Silver Pictures, and Time-Warner and tell them how you feel.

Contact information:

Warner Bros.
4000 Warner Blvd.
Burbank, CA 91522

Silver Pictures
4000 Warner Blvd. 90
Burbank, CA 91522-0001

Time Warner Inc.
One Time Warner Center
New York, NY 10019-8016

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Filed under Adoption Issues, Advocacy, In the News

The Gates Open

Up until this point, Aubry has never approached Mark to discuss adoption or the subject of her birth mother. She has dealt with years of grief and anger regarding these issues, especially when her birthday is on the horizon. I’ve been the one she has come to, the person who has held her as she slumbered in my arms, exhausted from the screaming and sobbing and from the injustice of it all.   

This week Mark had the opportunity to have a discussion with Aubry about adoption. Like any conversations with kids, you never know just when your child is going to initiate it – or where it may go.

It occurred after swim practice, when Aubry had Mark all to herself while they waited on Josi and Greyson to finish their respective soccer practices. This was a huge leap forward for my daughter and for her and her daddy’s relationship.

p4010178As she has gotten older Aubry has been able to articulate how she feels and does it more often. She knows she has our support and unconditional love. Aubry trusts she has two parents she can talk to about the complex issue of adoption; its okay to talk about it and it’s necessary. It’s what made us a family.

Mark said she was calm and asked specific and probing questions (probing is an Aubry trait…). Mark was honest and loving with her. She didn’t get emotional and – she even used humor a few times! He also got Aubry’s patented “hug-you-into-two-pieces” hugs after the talk.

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Filed under Adoption Issues, International Adoption, Multicultural Families, Parenting